
  • financing

Celaid was awarded a subsidy from BRI

Celaid Therapeutics has been selected as a recipient of the "FY2022 Kobe Medical Industry Development Project Research and Development Subsidy (Gap Fund)" from BRI (Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation at Kobe). This subsidy is awarded for research themes to accelerate the creation of innovation by start-ups and to implement technology in society in Kobe Biomedical Innovation Cluster (KBIC).

< Details of the subsidy decision (Gap Fund) >
- Company Name
Celaid Therapeutics Inc.

- Research/Project Name
Establishment of pre-clinical POC for ex vivo expanded hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs)

- Summary of Research/Project
To verify bone marrow reconstitutions in mice as pre-clinical POC (in vivo POC).
1. Extract human HSCs from cryopreserved cord blood imported from the U.S. cord blood bank
2. Culture them in our proprietary medium for ex vivo HSC expansion
3. Transplant them into immunodeficient mice.

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